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Patient Care is in Your Hands
1426-2023, ecolab, nurse, surgical tech, HSPA, CBSPD, hand hygiene, infection prevention, hand soap, antimicrobial soap, hand sanitizer, gloving, donning, doffing, compliance monitoring methods, environmental contamination, alcohol-based hand rub, ABHR, hand washing, dermis, epidermis, skin, nail care, WHO glove pyramid,
CA:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
Hand hygiene compliance is one of the most effective strategies in preventing the transmission of infection when approved hand soaps and sanitizers are used correctly and evidence-based techniques are used. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance remains subpar in most healthcare facilities. Attitudes, beliefs, role, and behavior all influence compliance and theories have been researched to help understand what motivates healthcare workers (HCWs) to act. According to governing and recommending entities, frequent monitoring and timely feedback provides the best information to help drive and improve outcomes. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of various compliance monitoring methods, and implementing the most compatible method, can assist organizations with acquiring sustained improvement.