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Heat in the OR and the Impact on Surgical Staff
1383-2023, Accredited education, Nursing, RN, perioperative, surgery, Periop nurse, surgical technologiost, ST, temperature management, Heat in the OR, lights, gowns, safety, staff satisfaction, inpatient, outpatient, ASC, ambulatory
CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
Heat in the operating room (OR) has long been a pain point of clinicalstaff and affects all members working in the OR. Environmentalconditions in surgical care can vary depending on patient need. AmbientOR temperature may need to be set above the recommended rangeto maintain normothermia for certain patients, including neonatesand burn patients. Required personal protective equipment (PPE) forcertain types of procedures may also contribute to heat stress andheat discomfort. When surgical staff experience heat stress, adversephysiological responses can result. Heat discomfort experienced byOR team members can contribute to diminished workflow efficiencyand barriers preventing optimal team collaboration. This continuingeducation activity will describe the unique challenges associated withheat in the operating room and how it affects the surgical team.