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Improving Skin Health Environment for the Incontinent Patient
1487-2024, eBook pro, Cardinal, accredited, accredited education, nurse, RN, hospital, inpatient, outpatient, rehabilitation, nursing, intensive care, ICU, medical surgical, incontinence, skin injury prevention, skin, skin damage, skin injury, skin structure, skin microbiome, incontinence products, product selection
CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
Prolonged exposure to moisture can damage even the healthiest skin and despite incontinence management products being designed to protect against moisture, product selection may still be difficult. This program is designed to increase knowledge of the basics of skin health and its impact for people with incontinence. The activity will provide practical knowledge for clinicians on the care of fragile skin as well as including factors that influence skin health, how to maintain a balanced microbiome, what happens when the microbiome becomes unbalanced, and how to treat conditions related to declines in skin health.