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Closing the Gap: Innovations and Best Practices in Fascial Closure to Prevent Port-Site Hernia
1541-2024, Teleflex, HSPA, CBSPD, nurse, surgical tech, fascial closure, laprascopic surgery, port-site hernia, fascial closure methods, best practice in fascia closure, best practices port-site hernia prevention, risk factors for port-site hernia, skin hook metod, needle-point suture paser method, veress needle method, maciol suture needle method, retractor method, looped needle method, port plugs
CBRN:2.0, CBSPD:2.0, HSPA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
Exploring the intricate world of surgical techniques, this educational program emphasizes the critical importance of fascial closure methods in mitigating the risk of port-site hernias, a rare complication of laparoscopic surgery. It delves into the latest advancements in technology and best practices in skin and fascia closure, equipping healthcare professionals with comprehensive knowledge about the pathophysiology of port-site hernias.
The program combines in-depth theoretical insights with practical case studies, providing a well-rounded understanding of the risks and innovative strategies for prevention. Tailored for medical professionals committed to excellence in surgery, this program is a pivotal step towards mastering advanced fascial closure techniques, ensuring safer surgical outcomes and setting a higher benchmark in the prevention and management of port-site hernias.