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Alternative Options to Indwelling Catheters: Best Practices for Urinary Management
1550-2025, BD, CBRN, nurse, urinary management, indwelling catheter, CAUTI, catheter associated urinary tract infection, condom catheter, vacuum assisted catheter, foley, catheterization, intermittent catheterization, straight catheterization, bladder scan, external catheter, iPCaRe, catheter removal
This learning activity discusses alternative options for indwelling catheters that can reduce a patient’s risk for developing catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI), a hospital-acquired infection that increases with duration of use of an indwelling catheter and costs the United States healthcare system millions every year. Individualized urinary management plans are reviewed, including bladder scanning, intermittent catheterization, and external catheters. Evidence-based nurse-driven protocols and algorithms are described along with explanation about their ability to positively impact patient care.