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Understanding Hemostatic, Sealant, and Adhesive Agents
1405-2022, eBook, Baxter, Advanced Surgery, nurse, NCCT, surgery, inpatient, perioperative, nursing, surgical technologist, cardiac, cardiovascular, cardiology, hemostatic, sealant, adhesive agents, bleeding, hemostasis, blood, coagulation cascade, clot, clotting, thrombin, oxidized cellulose, collagen, fibrin, transfusion, hemorrhage, mechanical, thermal, pharmacologic agents, topical, absorbable, passive
CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0
A wide variety of hemostatic, sealant and adhesive agents are available for the management of bleeding in surgical and other invasive procedures, and nurses and other members of the perioperative team must be knowledgeable about their components, mechanisms of action, properties, and appropriate use. This program traces the evolution of methods of surgical hemostasis; reviews the risk factors for perioperative bleeding, the implications of bleeding-related complications, and the steps in the coagulation cascade; and details the properties, mechanisms of action, components, and safety considerations for several categories of hemostatic, sealant, and adhesive agents.